Full-time and part-time status
Any CSU home-campus student who is enrolled in 6 or more credits in the ColoradoSPH in a given semester (regardless of which campus the course is offered through) will be granted full-time student access to CSU student services and will be responsible for paying full-time CSU student fees.
Students taking fewer than 6 credits through the ColoradoSPH in any semester will pay prorated student fees based on the number of credits in which they are registered. You can view the fee information for graduate students at CSU here. Please keep in mind that you will not be following the tuition schedule listed on this page, as you will be paying ColoradoSPH tuition through CU Denver. All student fees will be billed to the student’s CU Denver account. Students who enroll in CSU student health insurance will be billed through their CSU account.
Student Resources
There are multiple resources at CSU and off campus to help students transition to a new environment, adapt and thrive.