Veterinary Medicine and Public Health

The College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (CVMBS) at Colorado State University and the Colorado School of Public Health (ColoradoSPH) offer a combined 5-year program of study that results in earning a master of public health (MPH) and doctor of veterinary medicine degree (DVM).

DVM/MPH Dual Degree Program

Veterinarians are a unique national resource, as they are the only health professionals trained in multi-species comparative medicine. As a result of this training, the veterinary profession is able to provide an extraordinary link between agriculture and human medicine. The uses made from this link have been extensive, with multiple benefits to society. In fact, public support for veterinary medical education has as its historical basis, the profession’s relationship with food production and the control of zoonotic diseases.

There are TWO PATHS for joining our MPH/DVM Program:

Interested individuals apply to the combined degree program, prior to starting either one, through the VMCAS application portal. Admitted MPH/DVM students spend their first 12 months in the MPH program, and after successful completion, begin their first year of the DVM program. MPH/DVM students are allowed to transfer up to 12 credits of approved DVM coursework and complete their MPH degree requirements in the second year of their DVM program.

Application deadlines for the MPH/DVM program are sooner than the MPH. Apply through the VMCAS Application.

Individuals who are admitted to and enroll in the CSU DVM program can apply to the MPH/DVM program in the fall of their 4th DVM year, their last year before completing the DVM program. Individuals apply through SOPHAS Express and can then start the MPH program in the summer or fall term after finishing the DVM program. Students are allowed to transfer up to 12 credits of approved DVM coursework to count toward the MPH degree requirements. These students can go at their own pace and finish the MPH program in as little as 3 semesters, or up to 5 years.

Current CSU DVM students can apply to the MPH program through SOPHAS Express. The preferred application completion date is January 15 for those who wish to be considered for scholarships and assistantships. Individuals who paid non-resident tuition for the DVM program may be able to demonstrate CO residency for the MPH program, or receive resident tuition through the Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP).

Visit the CSU Veterinary School website for detailed information about the program and the application requirements.

Have questions about these different options, or the application process? You can reach out to Kendra Bigsby at [email protected] for assistance, or to schedule an appointment.

DVM Admissions

Dani Magaña, Manager of DVM Admissions Operations
[email protected]

MPH Program

Kendra Bigsby, MPH, Assistant Director
[email protected]