MPH Applications

All applications for the Master of Public Health program are submitted online to the Colorado School of Public Health through the Schools of Public Health Application Service (SOPHAS). No required admissions documents should be sent directly to Colorado State University. Individuals can choose up to two concentrations within the MPH program and these are considered as a first and second choice. Applicants are not reviewed for both simultaneously. The second choice is considered if an applicant is seen as admissible, but cannot be offered admission to their first choice.

The preferred application deadline is January 15.  Those whose applications aren’t reviewable until after January 15 may miss out on some financial aid opportunities.  An application is determined to be reviewable once all required documentation is received and verified by SOPHAS.  Applicants should plan accordingly knowing that it can take SOPHAS up to 4 weeks to verify an application.

MPH Admissions

Certificate in Public Health Sciences Applications

All applications for the Certificate in Public Health Sciences are submitted online to the Colorado School of Public Health through the Schools of Public Health Application Services (SOPHAS) Express.  No required admissions documents should be sent directly to Colorado State University.
There are two admissions cycles per year for the certificate programs:
· October 15 deadline for a spring term (January) start
· February 15 deadline for a summer term (May) start

Certificate Admissions

Dual Degree Applications

MPH/DVM Applications

Application deadlines for the DVM/MPH program are sooner than MPH. Apply through the VMCAS Application.

Visit the CSU Veterinary School website for detailed information about the program and the application requirement.

MPH/MSW Applications

For additional information on the application instructions, as well as admissions requirements, please visit the CSU MSW program page. Individuals submit one application through the CSU Graduate School to be considered for the MPH/MSW dual degree program at the CSU campus.

BS/MPH Applications

For information about the BS/MPH application, see the Application Process section on the BS/MPH website.


If you have questions about the offered programs or would like to arrange a campus visit, you can request more information here.