ames entered the MPH program at CSU in 2011, with an academic background in exercise science (BS, 1995) and physiology (MS, 1999), and after spending over 10 years working as a web and graphic designer.

Although he had previously taken nutrition courses and participated in nutrition-related research as an undergraduate and in graduate school, he sought to develop a more holistic understanding of the issues relating food, nutrition, and food systems to health, and to learn the most effective methods of communicating that understanding to improve public health.

Through his primary coursework in the Graduate Program in Public Health, James studied public health, from history to epidemiology and environmental sciences, as well as specific topics in nutrition, ranging from metabolism to food systems and their impacts. Through electives, he also studied health communication and the principles of Extension.

Outside of the classroom, James completed his practicum as an intern for the Bacchus network, helping to develop publications and campaigns targeting college students. James also participated in various projects related to food safety and food systems, including his capstone project, developing strategies for delivering health information via social media to diverse CSU Extension audiences.

Although he graduated in May, James is continuing as a student at CSU (in the PhD program in Food Science and Human Nutrition). His ultimate career goal is to be a professor of human nutrition with teaching, research, and outreach responsibilities. In his doctoral studies, James hopes to delve deeper into the relationships between nutrition and health so that he may be better able to teach others and improve public health.

Until classes begin this fall, James is working as a graduate assistant, developing this website, and as part of a project for the Colorado Integrated Food Safety Centers of Excellence, developing a website about plant-based food production and food systems for regional public health professionals engaged in surveillance and outbreak investigations on foodborne illnesses.

James has greatly enjoyed being a part of the Graduate Program in Public Health at CSU and has especially appreciated its broad, cross-curricular nature, with multiple focus areas and competencies and collaboration of faculty from different programs and universities.